SpaceStoneDodger LAUNCH!

Hi, I'm Simone and I MADE A GAME!

Yes, it's not much, but I started programming about one year ago and from my perspective, it's impressing.

SpaceStoneDodger is a short game written in Python where (as you may have guessed) you dodge asteroids while collecting precious metal scraps.

I wanted to follow two design rules:

  • No killing
  • Needs to have something interesting

I choose to remove killing because, honestly, it's boring. Try to think of a game where you don't kill stuff and you'll see they are few (compared to the total of games out there).

So, if players do in my game the same things they do in other games, how can mine differ? Can I offer a different experience?

That's why you don't kill things in this game, it was worth to try. (I dare to say that it will ALWAYS worth to try)

Ok so without killing how can a game be interesting? There are a lot of ways and I choose to tell a story, even a small one.

I think that having a story adds consistency and depth to what players are doing. It gives them context and help their mind to have an idea of why things happen.

I mean: why on earth should I go out in space and dodge ROCKS? (read this sentence again and take a moment to savor its irony)

Well, there's a story and even shallow as it is, I feel it adds value.

I won't spoil anything, try to reach the end of the level and you'll see (it takes less than five minutes).

I guess there's not much anything else to say, thanks for taking time to read this and thanks in advance for your time if you decide to try my game.

See you next game!



SpaceStoneDodger 24 MB
Oct 31, 2021

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